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Review of performance of Pumped Storage Hydropower and needed R&I investment

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The Working Group 2 of the ETIP SNET, managed by Franco Di Persio, has completed :

They provide the technology pathways to meet the needs of the different Use Cases of Storage and they will be used to prioritize European R&I investments on Energy Storage applications. 

They demonstrate the large range of use cases and the high level of performance of Pumped Storage Hydropower. They provide you with information to make informed decisions on national and EU investment on PSH.

Based on these tables, a position paper is under preparation (see a draft version here). Its objective is to make informed decisions on EU R&I efforts on energy storage technologies. If you want to comment and complete these tables and/or contribute to the Position Paper, your are invited to do it before Tuesday the 15th of February 2022 and send the amended documents to 


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