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Dates: 02/09/2021 09:30 CET - 02/09/2021 11:00 CET

Sustainability and acceptability of hydropower as part of the clean energy transition

A fundamental challenge of the energy transition is the cost-effective integration of variable renewables and assurance of the security of supply. This session will show how pumped and storage hydropower can address environmental and social issues more sustainably.

The main goal of the Sustainable Energy Day session is to address hydro-generated environmental and social impacts and to underline hydropower’s role in the sustainable energy transition. To achieve common climate goals, storage hydropower and pumped-storage hydropower shall play an essential role in balancing variable renewable energy sources and to ensure reliability of the electricity supply.

To demonstrate that hydro has a place within the SET-Plan, the session shall involve policy-makers, the energy sector players and environmental organisations in discussions about successful case studies provided by hydropower as well as with a wider audience working on the transition towards a clean energy society.

The session will start with a brief introduction followed by keynote speakers. The panel discussion will be initiated and moderated by the experts on the topic. The interactive elements include voting options to foster the interactivity of the event in general and the panel discussion in particular. During the keynotes and the debate, the audience will be encouraged to give input through interactive polls, commenting, and asking questions.


9:30Event Introduction(Anton Schleiss)
9:35Technical Matters(Mark Morris)
9:40Introducing the Speakers, followed by Speaker Presentations(Session Chair: Ole Gunnar Dalhaugh)
10:40Questions and discussion with the audienceLead by Raffaele Guerini & Jean-Jacques Fry
11:00Interactive Poll on key speaker statements 
11:10Conclusions Lead by Anton Schleiss & Ole Gunnar Dalhaugh

The speakers will present the following topics:

Berit Köhler, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Norway:
Dr. Berit Köhler is a social science researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and coordinates currently the EERA Sub-program 5 “Social acceptance, engagement and policy”.  For her doctoral degree she studied social sustainability aspects of ecological river restoration in Switzerland. After moving to Norway, she has worked on social acceptance issues related to hydropower in the Interdisciplinary Norwegian National Research Centre for Environmental Design of Renewable Energy (CEDREN) and the Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology (HYDROCEN), two of the National Centers for Environment-friendly Energy Research.
Social acceptance of hydropower in the clean energy transition
Agnès Barillier, EDF, France:
After her PhD at CEMAGREF, Agnès Barillier carried out environmental impact studies of hydraulic projects in a consulting firm; she then joined the EDF hydraulic engineering centre in 2001. Specialised in environmental assessment and ecological restoration of rivers, she leads R&D programmes on these subjects, always in direct connection with operational hydroelectric projects; for example, since 2001, Agnès has been leading all the ecological studies relating to rhenan alluvial biodiversity restoration measures associated with the renewal of the Kembs hydroelectric scheme. She is also working on the assessment of hydropeaking impacts and on locally adapted measures to mitigate them.
Aligning hydropower and environmental issues – some examples of successful practice
Staffan Lundström, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden: 
Staffan Lundström has been an active researcher in the area of hydropower since 2000 and is currently member of the Executive board and leader WP5 (Social Acceptance and Mitigation of Environmental Impact) in Hydroflex an H2020 project, coordinator  of SP4 in EERA JP Hydropower (Water resources, environmental impacts and climate adaptation), university manager and main applicant of Swedish Hydropower Centre (SVC) and serves as Academic Backbone of the “111 Project” Discipline Innovation and Research Base on River Network Hydrodynamics System and Safety” at Hohai University, China. He has been the main supervisor of 20 students that completed their PhD studies, and additional 7 students who have taken the Licentiate degree and has guided 9 young researchers. He has evaluated 15 positions at Universities in three countries and more than 40 PhD-thesis in 10 countries. He has contributed to more than 300 scientific papers of which more than 160 in in journals with peer review system.
Mitigation of environmental impact from flexible hydropower
Nuno Portal, EDP Produção, Portugal:
Nuno Portal works in EDP Group, the larger electricity company in Portugal, with a relevant operation in more 19 other countries. Nuno Portal is currently the Sustainability director of EDP – Gestão da Produção de Energia, SA., one of the EDP Group Companies which produces and distributes electric energy in Portugal. He has a great experience in all processes related with environment and social approvals of new Hydro Power Schemes, as well as in environmental maintenance of Hydropower and Thermal Plants.
Sustainability challenges in hydropower projects: past, present and future


Contact Email: info@hydropower-europe.eu
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Address: Online
Status: Final

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