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ETIP SNET Virtual Workshop / Plenary Session and Session on Infrastructure for integrated energy systems as key enablers of the energy transition

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Dates: 18/06/2020 10:00 - 18/06/2020 12:30

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Moderator: Norela Constantinescu
Technical Support: Michele de Nigris

The Session 4 has been focused on the infrastructures for energy transition towards 2050, and it deals mainly with 3 Functionalities of the ETIP SNET Roadmap (RM) 2020-2030.

• F7 (Electricity Systems and Networks): the “Upgraded electricity networks, integrated components and systems” functionality is important in relation to the growing electrification and the more decentralized deployment of renewable power generation, that will require reinforced and smarter electricity networks, able to accommodate both centralized and decentralized elements and to make the best of RES allocation over the European territory. Pervasive network digitalisation, supported by high-capacity cyber-secure communication networks, will ensure decentralized monitoring and control. Not only density of the network, but also interconnection capacities –with harmonized security, planning and operation standards- will be needed to match growing RES supply and electricity demand over larger areas, as well as transparency to market participants all over Europe.

• F8 (Business): the “Energy System Business (includes models, regulatory)” functionality is a direct consequence of the functionality F7, which requires new forms of business models, of regulatory rules. Business models are constantly to be adapted in real-world business. F8 includes Business models, market design, regulatory rules, market governance, business models adapted to energy and computer- ICT- and monitoring and control system architectures, managing grid-connected flexibilities and their optimal aggregation.

• F9 (Simulation tools): the “Simulation tools for electricity and energy systems (Software)” functionality is (besides F8) a direct consequence of the F7, which requires new simulation tools and simulation results of electricity but also energy system beyond electricity. F9 includes Short-term market-related simulations including for handling security issues of all kinds, long- and medium-term integrated energy system (heating and cooling, gas) and electricity system planning related models and simulations, electricity system congestion and stability-handling tools for all time intervals from seconds to hours; electricity system analysis, observation and optimisation tools and software; system-control-related model-predictive simulations and optimisations of the electricity system and life-cycle related ageing simulations.

These 3 Functionalities (F7, F8 and F9) are related with several specific Research Areas (RAs) and Research Sub Areas (RSAs) of the RM they contribute to. In particular, they deal with:
▪ RA1: consumer, prosumer and citizen energy community (F7, F8)
▪ RA2: system economics (F8)
▪ RA3: digitalization (F7)
▪ RA4: planning - holistic architectures and assets (F7, F9)
▪ RA5: flexibility enablers and system flexibility (F7, F9)
▪ RA6: system operation (F7, F9).

Comments from HYDROPOWER EUROPE partners who participated in the workshop

The reaction in the debate by HYDROPOWER EUROPE representatives:

Concerning discussion about 2. ETIP SNET priorities on business models, regulation and
legislation, we must add that some national regulations require operators of storage facilities,
including active consumers, to pay network charges or energy taxes and other levies twice.
It is clear that the abolishment of this burden would lead to more energy storage projects
being deployed. 

Another reaction by International Hydropower Association representing HPE:

Just to underline the notes and comments already said in functionality F8: on the need for
supportive regulations and market design (a) to modernise and enhance hydro flexibility,
and (b) to properly reward hydropower’s flexible and ancillary services delivered to support
network operations, not just its generation.

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Status: Final

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