Press Clippings

CONFERENCE: "QUO VADIS? Innovation potential of Hydropower" 27 - 28 October 2022

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"QUO VADIS? Innovationspotential der Wasserkraft" (Innovation potential of Hydropower) is a conference organised by IBI- Kompetenz, the multidisciplinary platform for exchange and awareness raising in the Alpine region that gathers professionals from Italy, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The event has taken place on 27 - 28 October 2022 in Mals, South Tyrol, Italy.

The event had as objective to  put in value the role of hydropower as an energy technology source that has been with us for more than 100 years, and that remains, even now, with the ongoing developments in renewables, one of the best in terms of carbon footprint, flexibility and security in the supply.For this reason, the potential of reinvention was discussed during this event, especially regarding the environmental compatibility of hydropower projects.

Keynote speeches were given by Prof. Anton Schleiss, representing the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): "The role of hydropower in the year 2100 – what
Innovations are necessary?" and HYDROPOWER EUROPE and ETIP HYDROPOWER Policy Officer, Mr Thomas Schleker, who talked about "Horizon Europe - Objectives of the European Research funding in the field of Hydropower"

Official website of the event: 




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